Customer Service
Customer Service


Made Easy

We leverage AI & machine learning to automatically serve answers, written by experts, to solve repeat questions.

Experts are asked to review frequently asked questions and author answers that can universally solve the issue.

Identify Repetitive Questions

Advanced machine learning algorithms scan every interaction looking for new and emerging customer issues that can be automated.

We use state-of-the-art natural language understanding and machine learning to understand customer intent and automatically flag common questions.

Write and Serve Content

Our platform prompts experts to review frequently asked questions and author answers to universally solve the issue.

Multiple experts are asked to write an answer to the same question, and we use A/B testing and peer review to ensure the most current and highest performing answer is served to your customers.

Optimize and Improve Results

Customer issues change every day. Our platform continuously monitors conversations to identify new inquiries to automate, with experts continuously authoring new answers to be served.

This continuous process results in higher rates of automation over time, serving your customers with fast and incredibly helpful automatic answers.

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